Hey, I’m Masha

Sacred Sound Healing Facilitator, Wellness Curator and Model.


The journey has began when as a curious child I used to observe my grandma reading from a coffee cup to one of her friends. Later on I remember being fascinated by a starry sky, looking up and wondering about vastness of the space.

Curious about what is ‘out there’ I embarked on my journey and started to travel the world at the age of 17. When I was 19 I met one of the biggest mentors in my life, who happened to be my agent that time. Our usual catch ups would consist talks about religion, spirituality, quantum physics and bigger questions, such as ‘who we truly are’ and ‘why we are here’. I feel grateful as he opened up another layer of depth and my curiosity about the outer worlds have began.

I found myself living in Madrid at the age of 19 and following friends footsteps I signed up for my first Yoga class. In a hectic fashion industry that represented my safe container of recharge. Following my journey wherever my wondrous spirit would take me… I ended up exploring Breathwork soon afterwards as well meditation and fasting which became a daily practice and routine.

I feel fashion industry was constantly challenging me to look further than just what lays on the surface. At the age of 21 I found myself questioning the same questions over and over again

- ‘Who I truly am? and Why I am here?’ -

I started to read about mind altering substances and studying about different states of consciousness which truly sparked an interest. Very early on I got in touch with psychedelics which excitingly took me down the rabbit hole, always in a Sacred manner. Few years later I came across the Sacred Plants which completely changed the trajectory. Life has never been the same ever since and that’s when the true healing has began, without the bullshit - ancient wisdom delivered in the most Sacred way.

Sacred Plants as teachers and guides

Before encountering sacred plants, I believed I had already made significant progress in my personal growth journey. However, they revealed a different truth to me.

Delving deeper into this sacred work, I immersed myself in various ceremonies, practices, retreats and a more profound commitment to self-improvement.

Concurrently, I continued my modeling career, but I sensed its gradual decline. Letting go of that identity was challenging, as it had been a significant part of my life.

Yet, as it began to fade, a deep-seated fear emerged, bringing me back to a familiar questions:

‘Who am I truly? What is my purpose here?’

Along with that question came another...

‘How am I supposed to serve here?’

The world shut down in March 2020, forcing us all to introspect deeply and discard what no longer resonated. During that time, I found myself stranded in Sicily for a year. Amidst the stillness and profound contemplation, I began to appreciate the land and felt a profound connection to it. The following year, I made a bold move to step out of my comfort zone and organize a retreat for women on a small volcanic island—a dream I had harbored for many years. This leap marked the beginning of a new path taking shape.

The question persisted until two years later, during a ceremony, when a powerful answer emerged—I was being called by sound. Though I had been fascinated by it for years, I hadn't given it the attention it deserved. Over two consecutive nights of that ceremony, everything I saw, heard, processed, envisioned, and manifested pointed toward the path of sound healing.

Two months later, I embarked on a journey in a car loaded with instruments, driving nearly five hours to a charming eco-village in the English country side. That experience lifted me off the ground, birthing a newfound joy for life.

One year of training brought many things to the surface—deeply rooted aspects I hadn't been capable of addressing before. The path of Sound Healing humbled me in many ways, yet it also allowed me to embrace what I needed to share, with an open heart and deep commitment to this Sacred Work.

We are all walking each other home; let us share what we have learned, so the path feels less lonely and more enjoyable.

Let’s embrace this earthly life, re-learning how to love ourselves, one another, and Mother Earth.

We are all evolving right now. Let’s co-create together a beautiful paradise on Earth.

I would love to support you on your journey.

"Sound and vibration are the most potent forces in the universe."

— Yogi Bhajan